






餌となる小魚がいて、繁殖の為の土手や護岸壁の改良があればカワセミは子孫を残すことが出来る。都市部の魚が泳いでいる公園(池)でも ごく普通の河川でも瑠璃色の翼を羽ばたかせて 僕らの楽しみとなっている。似つかわしくないけれども ザリガニ等の水生動物しかいない池でも 彼らは生息の為 餌を求めてやって来る。日本の川が綺麗になってまず魚が住める環境となっていることが大きいのかな。「保護すべき鳥」というレッテルを貼らなくても、ゴミや水質の汚染を悪化させなければ彼らはそのまま生きていける。あとは、温かく見守ってやりましょう。釣り糸や弁当類のゴミはきちんと持ち帰りましょう。それが一番大切なこと。


ただ、個体数の少ないヤマセミやアカショウビンの類は、都市部には住めないからプラカードを掲げる必要がありますね。 多くの野生動物が生き残れますように。


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A kingfisher and a German environmental group announce "Bird No.1 that should be protected" in 2009.

The reason for bird No.1 that should be protected?The kind of kingfisher?Has the number of individuals of photographs decreased sharply in Germany? The content of the article is not passed on excluding this article and the photograph to what. Oh dear, no kingfisher of the access aim.

As for the kingfisher of Japan, aren't circumstances different for a moment? Now, I think that it is a daily wild bird at the high growth period though it is thought that it understands if the site of Cawasemifrec is seen though the expression "Jewel of the mountain stream" might have been general. Will there be having seen in the park?

If there is a fingerling that becomes food, and the bank and the shore protection wall for breeding are improved, the kingfisher can leave offspring. City..fish..swim..park..pond..very..usual..river..lapis lazuli..color..wing..flap..have..enjoy.They request food only from the aquatic animal of the crawfish etc. on the pond that not is either for living resemblance.


Is it large that it is an environment where the river in Japan becomes beautiful and the fish can live first of all?If the pollution of garbage and the water quality is not depraved even if not labeling, "Bird that should protect it", they can live as they are. I will watch it as it is warm. Let's neatly take the fishing string and the garbage of the box lunches home. Thing that it is the most important However, because the kind of the greater pied kingfisher and the pinko show bottle with little number of individuals cannot live in the city part, it is necessary to hold up signs. Can survive a lot of wild animals.

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