The most interesting, that AMD will not change the names of other two processors series athlon X2. During March the energetically effective products will be :* Athlon X2 4850e (2.5 GHz) - > $89;
* Athlon X2 BE -2400 (2.3 GHz) - > $78 (now $104);
* Athlon X2 BE -2350 (2.1 GHz) - > $68 (now $91).The processor athlon X2 4850e will be based on 65 nm core stepping G2 as the existing models. Marking will be similar: ADH4850IAA5DO. Each of two cores is equipped with 512 KB cache in the second level, TDP level does not exceed 45 W.
The model athlon X2 4850e in the minimum energy state will operate at 1.0 GHz frequency with vcore 1.0 v, TDP level in this case will not exceed 18,1 W. This is already good for desktop dual core processor.
先週かな Athlon X2 BE -2350 Box ¥8,980で買ってしまった…
というか Athlon X2 4850e (2.5 GHz) + AMD 780 に期待するかな。3月4日発表。
In 4 th March AMD company will present dual core processor Athlon X2 4850e (2.5 GHz) with TDP level not more than 45 W and the integrated chipset AMD 780G. The first will cost $89, as the usual version athlon 64 X2 4800+ (2.5 GHz) with TDP level not more than 65 W. Motherboard on base of chipset AMD 780G will cost $90. Accordingly, Motherboard and processor will cost $180, in this case graphic system functionality when desired can be enlarged due to the discrete video card. This Chipset support hybrid crossFire technology , so even budget video card series radeon HD 3450 ($50) will be sufficient for improving the graphic system.
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